10.9.09 Textiles / by Melanie Grizzel

My Mother and Father-in-Law are in town for a wedding last weekend and record convention this weekend. So they've spent the week with us hanging out and playing with the baby and just over-all making our lives a little easier. In April my MIL, Patty, helped me pick out textiles for a set of curtains and out dining area, probably our favorite part of the house. Those textiles have been collecting dust since then and this week she convinced me to start working on the curtains. So we have been working on them together, it feels like an excerpt from a coming of age novel but it really has been such a blast and honestly I'm not sure I ever would have found the time to do it on my own. Maybe once the baby is graduating or something. The pattern on the fabric from Franny's < here> is a delicious retro orange a brown combo. We almost forgot what it looked like and got all giddy again when we rolled out the bolt again for the firs time.
Here a few shots of us hard at work.
Thanks for looking.

Austin Wedding Photography and Design