Brandi Barnwell - Austin Portrait Photographer / by Melanie Grizzel

 austin portrait inspirationI was editing a wedding we photographed last spring, last spring... don't panic. I tend to find inspiration in things I've already photographed and this was no exception. I found an image of a young girl with a happy smile sans toothy grin. I was so taken with it I printed it and hung it on my inspiretion wall for further exploration. Then I was recently challenged to make new work and I put a team together and created this. It's meant to marry the image I love,  and the color profile of Anthropology. Here we are, enjoy. More to come if I can find the right models and get our team back together for 5am weekday calls. dress shop austin

black and white portrait in austin

colorful portraits austin

Leslie Gandy Dress Shop

anthropology inspired portrait session

Dress Shop style shoot

brandi susan photography

anthropology inspired

red head photography

Brandi Barnwell photography

kaylin Johnson make-up photography

Hana Fiechtner hair photography

melanie grizzel photography

She-N-He Photography and Design wishes to thank the dream team!

Model: Brandi Barnwell

Styling: Leslie Gandy - Dress Shop

Hair: Hana Fiechtner

Make-up: Kaylin Johnson